Thursday, July 17, 2008

X I S T (Space-Time)

Only the present exists.

X coordinates of space
T time

The past is a cone spiralling into the point of the present. This is the generations, the ancestors, karma. The seeds of the past are the fruit of the present, with tighter and greater velocity as it is closer to the moment.

Each moment has it’s thought, it’s feeling, it’s deed which spirals outwards to form the cone of future possibilities, and join with the next moment.

The past is imploding, the future is exploding. Every point along the spiral is a cause which is also the effect of a previous cause in one unbroken continuum of phenomena. Thus an action can be traced back to many causes, and can be a cumulative effect of a number of causes.

Each moment fourth with becomes a pre-pair-ation for the next.

See-quint (see 5) change is cause and effect. Sequent change is the spiral. Cyclic change is linear cycles repeating. Rotation of phenomena. Phenomes.

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