Monday, July 21, 2008

A rogue ant

New love in my heart today,
Like softly falling snowflakes
Making my landscape virginal again.
This love, its not for any object
No subject either.
Just crystalline geometry of my heart's desire
To share my experience of being
An ant crawling on the skin of God.

I don't know that I'm living on this giant skin.
My ant vision only extends round the next horizon,
A foot away.
My ecosystems are in trouble,
My water supply is dwindling
Food is getting scared, I mean, scarce.
And what's worse, I don't even know
That I can't see very far, and I often forget that
There's this universe that God
Lives in, that I occupy a few millimeters of,
by pure Grace.
I become a rogue ant and try to climb up into God's ear,
In a moment of reflexive action
He swipes at me, WHAM!!!
My whole life topples.
Twin towers come crashing
Terror, panic, rogue ants scrambling,
Loss, remorse, grief, compassion
Love, waves and waves of Love
Comes rolling in from all quarters.
Washing my ant-hills away.

Another time, God is gentler...
She sweeps up the marching regiments with a feather duster
Some fall by the wayside, unable to hold fast
Most are deposited pell-mell
Into a new world, where
Ants and Gods are One and the same.

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