Thursday, July 10, 2008


co-written with Salina Clifton

You have to get very near-death
In order to live.
Every second,
Death walks hand-in-hand with Life
While I dance awake my serpent slumber

But it’s agonizing,
To die so many little deaths everyday.
When will I stop dying so often! I cry.
When you stop LIVING, the reptile lies.

And I say: No, when I start GIVING.

Once, when it was fully integrated;
Death came knocking
yet one more time.
I opened the door
& It slipped inside.
Bowing with reverence,
I took a deep breath &
Exhaled the pain inside my Heart.
To my surprise,
nothing remained to be felt.
Could this be???
Was this,
The Boogie Man I had managed to escape,
all these years
And what, pray tell, was all the fuss about?
So much peace in Here....
The coiled serpent
Patiently awaiting her next dance."

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