Thursday, July 10, 2008

Poets Tree Branching

I gave my heart so completely to you,
that it seems impossible for me
to take the last step in splitting apart:
Letting another take your place.

I see it in my mind like a branch
that has been split in two,
and peeled apart, making a Y
converting to a V, a Five,
the sign for Victory and Regeneration.

And a V is still connected at the joint.

We are neurons in the mind of God
Fired by new light everyday.
Connected to Him by a syn-apse.
The synapse is a junction of two neurons, a joint.
Almost touching.

An apse is where the altar sits in a church.
In my body, I AM the church and the altar,
Radiating out from my center
Cell liberating everyday.
Almost touching: Nirvana.

And when the branch hangs heavy
with the fruit of this experience,
I will fall from the branch, scattering my seed
To bring forth New Light.

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