Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Heart of the Journey

Here's an inkling
For the weakling
The key to inner chi
The ling Am I,
The sacred phallus.
The Seed of energy.
Caught in the land of
A cunning tongue indeed.
But if you can unravel the spell
The Word will set you free.

The penis a sword
Designed to pierce the veil
Of Female mystery.
Unlocked by Feeling
The golden flower
Yields it’s nectar secretly.

Fee, Five, Foe, Fine
Sits in the middle of nine
The Feminine Divine.
Five, the magic number
The dark star that revives
Waits in the dell of Fidelity
The Valley of Ecstasy

The movement that matters
No plunge in the dark.
Moving unwilled yet willing
from root to the heart:
It’s the heart of the journey,
The journey to the heart.
If you take that plunge
With eyes wide open
You will meet no Other
In cosmic Union.

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