Friday, April 17, 2009

Life the poem

I feel like writing a poem today.
My poem is an expression of my inner ecstasy.
X-stasis. A deep inner stillness. Capable of receiving.

These poems never come because I intend them to.
They arise in me spontaneously,
Not brought forth by my intense inner longing...or some exquisite rapture.
But rather, when my longing drops off into empty space.
And Gravity isn't just a force. It's Love.
An image in my head burns like a jewel and then there it is…
The movement of my body waking up in the middle of the night.
Stumbling in the dark to find a pen, turn on the lamp
And scratch a few words--uncomprehendingly---on an old envelope.

Next morning, a poem.

But that’s when I’m asleep.

Awake, Life is the poet, and I am the poem.

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