Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fine Lines

Its a fine line between beauty and over-indulgence
A fine line between self-absorption and contemplation
Between honesty and brutality
criticsm and destruction
And one has only to step over the line by a hair
And the action, once immodest is once again positively pure
Or the action, once inspired,
is now sullied with negative ambition
A hair's breadth, a very small step,
Hardly noticable to oneself
Yet with huge ramifications in the world of form.
For positive energy spirals upward
And negative energy spirals downward
And its always one or the other in the world.

Maybe its those fine lines, that etch character
Lessons learned the hard way
They become white hairs and wrinkles
Each line a lesson learned, a wisdom gleaned
A softness unveiled
A tapestry of self-realizations
The sum of age, a new age.
Teaching me again and again
What does not contain any lines of distinction
No boundaries and no withholdings
The smooth truth behind all faces.

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