Saturday, January 28, 2012

Falling in Time

Let them all fall away.
The intentional transgressions,
the unintentional ones,
the aggressions, the regressions,
digressions and progressions.

Time is just forgiving.


Closes with indignation
Opens with acceptance
Closes with criticism
Opens with praise
Closes when full
Opens when empty

Friday, January 13, 2012

crucify the ego

Crucify the ego on the Cross of Consciousness
Dis-orient yourself to its patterns
Or Life will Disorient you
Suck you into the Vortex of a storm
In which you're helplessly tossed
To and fro,
On waves of despair and disrepair
Stranded on arrogant beaches
Drenched with humiliation
Gasping for gratitude
Thirsty for Love
Until your heart opens to the truth of Oneness.